The Linguistic Atlas of Brazil - ALiB

Jacyra Mota / Silvana Soares Costa Ribeiro
Linha de Pesquisa: 
Dialectology and Sociolinguistics
The Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project (ALiB Project) is a large-scale national enterprise developed at UFBA. The project aims to create a general Portuguese language atlas of Brazil.
The desire sparking from the development of linguistic and philological studies regarding the dialectal activity in Brazil took shape in this initiative from a group of researchers of the Institute of Language, Linguistics, and Literature at the beginning of this millennium. Once again, UFBA shows a pioneering attitude and undertakes the implementation of this proposal, which is now carried out as a joint project involving nine Universities. In October 2014, in honor of Professors Suzana Cardoso and Jacyra Mota, the first two volumes of ATLAS LINGUÍSTICO DO BRASIL (The Linguistic Atlas of Brazil) were published by EDUEL and launched at the III Congresso de Dialetologia e Sociolinguística - III CIDS (Third Congress of Dialectology and Sociolinguistics) held in the city of Londrina. The first volume presents the introduction, and the second presents 159 language cards containing data collected from 25 state capitals. The ALiB/Bahia team delivered the published volumes to the Rector of the Federal University of Bahia on October 24, 2014. The third, fourth, and fifth volumes are currently in the works.
Starting year: 1996
PPGLinC researchers involved:
Jacyra Andrade Mota
Gredson Santos
Josane Moreira de Oliveira
Juliana Ludwig Gayer
Rerisson Cavalcante de Araujo
Marcela Moura Torres Paim
Silvana Soares Costa Ribeiro
National and international agreements
The Linguistic Atlas of Brazil National Agreement - Federal University of Bahia together with Federal University of Pará, Federal University of Maranhão, Federal University of Ceará, Federal University of Paraíba, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, University of Brasília, and Londrina State University.